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Schlagwort: Novel

Top Ten Novels – Thomas Rau

  1. John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire
  2. J.D. Salin­ger, The Cat­cher in the Rye

Top Ten Novels – Sven Scheding

  1. Dou­glas Adams:  The Hitchhiker’s Gui­de to the Galaxy
  2. Ter­ry Prat­chett: Night Watch

Top Ten Novels – Ingrid Förster

  1. „The Other Hand“ (US: Litt­le Bee) Chris Clea­ves – Recht neu, aber geni­al für die Behand­lung von:globalization, rela­ti­onships, inte­gra­ti­on and exclu­si­on, span­nend, anre­gend für Dis­kus­sio­nen, OBERSUPER
  2. „Roots“ Alex Haley – So pri­ma, dass ich nach Gam­bia gefah­ren bin um das Buch noch bes­ser zu ver­ste­hen.

Top Ten Novels – Christina Lambach

Arund­ha­ti Roy: The God of Small Things

Micha­el Cun­ning­ham: The Hours

Top Ten Novels – Max Müller

1. Kurt Von­ne­gut, Slaugh­ter­house Five
2. David Lodge, Nice Work

Top Ten Novels – Bettina Roensberg

1. Jef­frey Archer: Pri­soner of Birth – packen­der Kri­mi, der auch vie­le lus­ti­ge Stel­len hat, defi­ni­tiv ein page-turner. 


… is a web-based book sug­ges­ti­on engi­ne. Which­Book does­n’t ask for a list of books you have alre­a­dy read. At Which­Book you use a series of sliders to indi­ca­te how much of a given ele­ment you want in your rea­ding. Loo­king for fun­ny hap­py sex? Peg the sliders for each to the maxi­mum and see what Which­Book kicks out. Lists of books are gene­ra­ted and dis­play­ed on the right side of the screen for your browsing.

Eine schö­ne Site um z.B. Wort­schatz für „Tal­king about Books“ zu üben. Wie soll das Buch sein? „expec­ted“ oder „unpre­dic­ta­ble“? „easy“ oder „deman­ding“? „opti­mi­stic“ oder „bleak“? Auch bei den Inhalts­an­ga­ben der emp­foh­le­nen Bücher gibt es nütz­li­chen Wortschatz.


How to Write a Book Review

Alter­na­tiv zu einer Film­re­zen­si­on konn­te man im dies­jäh­ri­gen (baye­ri­schen) gk Abitur auch eine Buch­re­zen­si­on schrei­ben. Hier ein Book Review Wri­ting Tuto­ri­al und eine Datei mit vie­len Bei­spie­len von Rezen­sio­nen.

The Art of Fiction

… von David Lodge ist eine emp­feh­lens­wer­te Ferienlektüre:

„A coll­ec­tion of artic­les which appeared in „The Inde­pen­dent on Sun­day“ for 50 weeks bet­ween 1991 and 1992. The art of fic­tion is con­side­red under a wide ran­ge of hea­dings, such as the intru­si­ve aut­hor, sus­pen­se, the epis­to­la­ry novel, time-shift, magic rea­lism and sym­bo­lism and each topic is illus­tra­ted by a pas­sa­ge or two taken from clas­sic or modern fic­tion. Dra­wing on wri­ters as diver­se as Hen­ry James and Mar­tin Amis, Jane Aus­tin and Fay Wel­don, Hen­ry Fiel­ding and James Joy­ce, David Lodge makes acces­si­ble to the gene­ral rea­der the rich­ness and varie­ty of Bri­tish and Ame­ri­can fic­tion. Tech­ni­cal terms, such as inte­ri­or mono­lo­gue, meta­fic­tion, inter­tex­tua­li­ty and the unre­lia­ble nar­ra­tor are explai­ned and the appli­ca­ti­on demons­tra­ted.“ (Quel­le)

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