Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Schlagwort: HW Seite 2 von 13

HW Love in the Time of Advertising

Here’s the plot sum­ma­ry of a video. Spe­cu­la­te about the story:

An ani­ma­ted musi­cal love sto­ry about a young man who lives insi­de a bill­board and is char­ged with updating the adver­ti­se­ments. When he falls in love with a beau­tiful lady living across the high­way, he has to use the only method he knows to get his mes­sa­ge across – advertising.

Now watch the video. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk.

HW Do you speak Schulenglisch?

Do this quiz. When you make mista­kes try to find out e.g. with the help of this web­site or your CEG grammar WHY some­thing is wrong.

And, yes, 150.000 points is ridi­cu­lous, 15 would be enough. 😉

HW The School of Life

Go to The School of Life and choo­se a category/topic that you are inte­res­ted in, like RELATIONSHIPS, SELF or WORK + CAPITALISM.

HW Just a Figure of Speech?

Do this quiz.

HW stressful

The fol­lo­wing artic­le explo­res the words and phra­ses we use to descri­be situa­tions in which you feel worried and unable to relax. Learn the bold adjec­ti­ves tog­e­ther with their Ger­man translations. 

HW 1984

First watch the fol­lo­wing video:

HW What should you think about when using Facebook?

Befo­re you start, ask yours­elf the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons: Which data of you, do you think, does Face­book coll­ect? What hap­pens with the­se data? What can I do to redu­ce the amount of per­so­nal data?

Now stu­dy this artic­le. As usu­al prepa­re a talk.

HW Can We Build AI Without Losing Control Over It?

Watch this TED talk by Sam Har­ris, if neces­sa­ry acti­va­te Eng­lish sub­tit­les. Then stu­dy the tran­script and prepa­re a short talk.


Go to TED-Ed, brow­se through their vide­os, choo­se one you are INTERESTED in and watch it. As usu­al take notes and prepa­re a short talk.

HW The Book of Life

Go to The Book of Life and choo­se an over­all topic (“chap­ter”) that you are inte­res­ted in. Then scroll through the dif­fe­rent artic­les and again choose/study one that arou­ses your inte­rest. As usu­al take notes and prepa­re a talk.

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