Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Schlagwort: HW Seite 1 von 13

HW What YOU Can Do About Climate Change

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk. 

HW How the Gun Control Debate Went Crazy

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk. 

HW Why „1984“ Is a Must-Read

First watch this video. Then stu­dy this artic­le. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk. 

HW Indian Tech Support

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al prepa­re a short talk. 

HW David Crystal on Indian English

Watch the fol­lo­wing video (tra­jec­to­ry = Flug­bahn, hier: Ent­wick­lung). As usu­al stop the video from time to time and repeat in your own words what Mr Crys­tal said. Prepa­re a short talk. 

HW LDOCE Vocabulary Exercises

Go to this web­site.

Press down the Strg key and click on Col­lo­ca­ti­ons, so that it opens in a new tab. 

HW „Gandhi“ The Salt March

Watch the fol­lo­wing clip from „Gan­dhi“. As usu­al, prepa­re a short talk in which you explain Gandhi’s philosophy:

HW A Brief History of America’s Independence

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al, prepa­re a short talk. 

HW A Scientist Visits a Creationist Museum

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al, prepa­re a short talk. 

HW The Industrial Revolution

Watch the fol­lo­wing video. As usu­al, prepa­re a short talk.

Seite 1 von 13

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