Früher Englisch & Sport am Gymnasium - Jetzt nur noch Tango!

Garbage Warrior

… ist eine beein­dru­cken­de Doku­men­ta­ti­on über einen Umwelt­vi­sio­när (Tipp von Rai­ner Brunnert):

What do beer cans, car tires and water bot­t­les have in com­mon? Not much unless you’­re rene­ga­de archi­tect Micha­el Rey­nolds, in which case they are tools of choice for pro­du­cing ther­mal mass and ener­gy-inde­pen­dent housing. For 30 years New Mexi­co-based Rey­nolds and his green disci­ples have devo­ted their time to advan­cing the art of „Earth­ship Bio­tec­tu­re“ by buil­ding self-suf­fi­ci­ent, off-the-grid com­mu­ni­ties whe­re design and func­tion con­ver­ge in eco-harm­o­ny. Howe­ver, the­se expe­ri­men­tal struc­tures that defy sta­te stan­dards crea­te con­flict bet­ween Rey­nolds and the aut­ho­ri­ties, who are backed by big busi­ness. Frus­tra­ted by anti­qua­ted legis­la­ti­on, Rey­nolds lob­bies for the right to crea­te a sus­tainable living test site. While poli­ti­ci­ans hum and ha, Mother Natu­re strikes, lea­ving com­mu­ni­ties devas­ta­ted by tsu­na­mis and hur­ri­ca­nes. Rey­nolds and his crew sei­ze the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lend their pio­nee­ring skills to tho­se who need it most. Shot over three years and in four count­ries, Gar­ba­ge War­ri­or is a time­ly por­trait of a deter­mi­ned visio­na­ry, a hero of the 21st century.

Gar­ba­ge War­ri­or [Full Length Docu­men­ta­ry] (You­Tube)


Die spinnen, die Bayern!

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The Corrections

  1. Klas­se! Vie­len Dank, kann ich gut einsetzen.

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