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Topic: The Inter­net – A Dan­ge­rous Addiction?

Title doesn’t refer to / fit main part.

Title: Stair­way to Addic­tion (cf. Led Zep­pe­lin: Stair­way to Heaven)

Main part claims that Inter­net is NOT addictive.

Introduction doesn’t introduce the topic.

Recent­ly a young man died after he had play­ed an online game for seve­ral days wit­hout almost any inter­rup­ti­on. This cau­sed a con­tro­ver­si­al debate.

Introduction only announces what the writer is going to do.

In the fol­lo­wing I’m going to dis­cuss whe­ther the Inter­net can lead to dan­ge­rous addiction.

Introduction introduces different  topic.

Recent­ly a young man died after he had play­ed an online game for seve­ral days wit­hout almost any inter­rup­ti­on. This cau­sed a con­tro­ver­si­al deba­te about the ques­ti­on whe­ther cer­tain online games should be prohibited.

Main part: No topic sentence.

Wrong: First of all on sites like PokerStars.com you can lose a lot of money.

First of all online games can be high­ly addic­ti­ve. On sites like PokerStars.com you can lose a lot of money, becau­se you easi­ly lose track of how much money you’ve alre­a­dy lost. […]

Main part: Topic sentence doesn’t fit the following examples.

First of all online games can be high­ly addic­ti­ve. Some peo­p­le for exam­p­le feel a strong pres­su­re to check their email all the time. […]

Main part: More than one aspect / topic per paragraph.

First of all online games can be high­ly addic­ti­ve. On sites like PokerStars.com you can lose a lot of money, becau­se you easi­ly lose track of how much money you’ve alre­a­dy lost. Also chat rooms can be very addic­ti­ve, because …

Conclusion doesn’t fit introduction and/or main part.

Main part: There’s a serious dan­ger of addiction

Con­clu­si­on: All in all you can say that the dan­gers of addic­tion are great­ly exaggerated.

Conclusion is a pure repetition of main part.

Final­ly online games can be high­ly addictive. […]

All in all you can say that online games can be high­ly addictive.

Conclusion presents new argument.

All in all I think that the dan­gers of addic­tion are great­ly exag­ge­ra­ted. For exam­p­le online games in gene­ral don’t make peo­p­le addicted. […]