… bie­tet Job­li­ne LMU, „the Eng­lish-lan­guage job appli­ca­ti­on trai­ning pro­gram­me of Lud­wig-Maxi­mi­li­ans-Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen, Munich, Ger­ma­ny.“ Unter Ande­rem bie­tet die Site (nach einer kos­ten­lo­sen Registrierung):

Job­li­ne LMU’s self-stu­dy Online Modu­les pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on and trai­ning on how to look for an intern­ship, a trai­ning pro­gram­me or a job, how to wri­te a con­vin­cing job appli­ca­ti­on and how to inter­view suc­cessful­ly – both face-to-face and on the phone.

In the Job­li­ne LMU Resour­ce Area you’ll find addi­tio­nal resour­ce mate­ri­als for Eng­lish job appli­ca­ti­ons, such as sam­ple CVs and cover let­ters, resour­ces for tele­pho­ning, sam­ple inter­view ques­ti­ons, aca­de­mic degree and gra­de com­pa­ri­sons, UK and US lan­guage comparisons.

You can check your pro­gress at any time in the pro­gress area in My Pro­fi­le. Your scores are saved bet­ween ses­si­ons. The last modu­le and step you were working on at the end of your last ses­si­on is high­ligh­ted for easy ori­en­ta­ti­on when you return to the website.

Job­li­ne LMU