New rese­arch by sci­en­tists at Michi­gan Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty sug­gests that lap­tops do not enhan­ce class­room lear­ning, and in fact stu­dents would be bet­ter off lea­ving their lap­tops in the dorm during class. Alt­hough com­pu­ter use during class may crea­te the illu­si­on of enhan­ced enga­ge­ment with cour­se con­tent, it more often reflects enga­ge­ment with social media, You­Tube vide­os, instant mes­sa­ging, and other nona­ca­de­mic con­tent. This self-inflic­ted dis­trac­tion comes at a cost, as stu­dents are spen­ding up to one-third of valuable (and cos­t­ly) class time zoned out, and the lon­ger they are online the more their gra­des tend to suffer.

Wei­ter­le­sen … (Sci­en­ti­fic Ame­ri­can; Tipp von Max Müller)