The fol­lo­wing artic­le explo­res the words and phra­ses we use to descri­be situa­tions in which you feel worried and unable to relax. Learn the bold adjec­ti­ves tog­e­ther with their Ger­man translations. 

anxious (sor­gen­voll, besorgt) an anxious time or situa­ti­on is one that makes you feel worried:
  • We had a few anxious moments while the votes were being counted.
  • The­se are anxious times for Democrats.

Nouns fre­quent­ly used with anxious: day,  hour,  moment,  time,  times,  wait,  week

ten­se (ange­spannt) making you feel ner­vous and not rela­xed, becau­se you do not know what is going to hap­pen next:

  • The­re was a ten­se silence as ever­yo­ne wai­ted for his reaction.
  • The atmo­sphe­re in the cour­t­room was extre­me­ly ten­se.

Nouns fre­quent­ly used with ten­se: atmo­sphe­re,  finish,  moment,  nego­tia­ti­ons,  peri­od,  silence,  situa­ti­on,  stand-off

stressful (stres­sig, anstren­gend, auf­rei­bend) a stressful job or situa­ti­on invol­ves or cau­ses you a lot of worry, espe­ci­al­ly becau­se you have too much to do or too much to think about:

  • My new job is very stressful.
  • Stressful con­di­ti­ons may affect people’s memory.

Nouns fre­quent­ly used with stressful: day,  event,  expe­ri­ence,  job,  situa­ti­on,  time,  week

ner­ve-wrack­ing or ner­ve-rack­ing (ner­ven­auf­rei­bend) making you feel extre­me­ly ner­vous or worried:

  • a ner­ve-wrack­ing few days that have seen bil­li­ons wiped off the value of shares

Source: Macmil­lan Dictionary