Cow­bird is a public libra­ry of human expe­ri­ence. Our mis­si­on is to gather and pre­ser­ve excep­tio­nal sto­ries of human life, so the insight and wis­dom we accu­mu­la­te as indi­vi­du­als can live on in the com­mons, as a resour­ce for others to look to for gui­dance. We offer a simp­le set of sto­rytel­ling tools, desi­gned to encou­ra­ge con­tem­pla­ti­on and depth — for free, and wit­hout ads.

Go to the Seeds and brow­se through the list. Choo­se a topic you like and think of a sto­ry. As usu­al your sto­ry need­n’t be “true”, you can invent it. Prac­ti­ce your sto­ry, so that you can tell it next lesson.

PS. If you won­der about the stran­ge name of the web­site, look here.