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British Citizenship Test

If you have appli­ed or plan­ning to app­ly for grant of Bri­tish citi­zen­ship through natu­ra­liza­ti­on, or for an Inde­fi­ni­te Lea­ve to Remain, you pro­ba­b­ly alre­a­dy know that one of the requi­re­ments is to suc­cessful­ly wri­te the Life in the UK test. „Prac­ti­ce Ques­ti­ons“ is a uni­que trai­ning resour­ce that covers the enti­re test mate­ri­al. It con­sists of 136 mul­ti­ple choice questions.

Net­te Ergän­zung zu einer Unit über bri­ti­sche Landeskunde.

Bri­tish Citi­zen­ship Test (Tipp von Max Mül­ler)


Impossible Men

Nächster Beitrag

Murder à la Christie

  1. rip

    „If you have appli­ed or plan­ning to app­ly for …“
    Die eng­li­sche Syn­tax scheint man bei der Bewer­bung nicht beherr­schen zu müssen :-))

  2. „Inde­fi­ni­te Lea­ve to Remain“ fin­de ich auch sehr gelungen.

  3. The­re are many gre­at resour­ces free and relia­ble, available on the Inter­net for the Life in the UK test
    For exam­p­le have a look at

  4. You need to be awa­re of chan­ge in legis­la­ti­on. A num­ber of ques­ti­ons in the exam will expect the most recent ans­wers as given in the fifth impres­si­on of the life in the UK book.

  5. The­re is always the other opti­on of the citi­zen­ship clas­ses if your eng­lish is not at the right level. I think it is level 2 and above.

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