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A Day for All (M)others

Abitur 2014/I Topic 1: “Mother’s Day should be abo­lished. Do you agree?” Von Kai Zenk.

Not only last year, also the year befo­re I reg­rett­ab­ly for­got Mother’s Day. Sure­ly I was mere­ly one out of many. When have YOU last remem­be­red Mother’s Day? Alre­a­dy a few years ago? Don’t be asha­med, you are not alo­ne. Should­n’t Mother’s Day be abolished?

First­ly we don’t need a “spe­cial” day on which ever­y­bo­dy pre­tends to help their mothers, whe­re­as the rest of the year is reser­ved for let­ting Mum work in the house­hold wit­hout anyone’s help. Hel­ping with house­hold cho­res should be a mat­ter of cour­se all year long. That is what all mothers would be plea­sed with.

Second­ly our envi­ron­ment is pol­lu­ted by all tho­se gifts that are thrown into the rub­bish bin a few days after. The­se pres­ents cost water and ener­gy during the pro­duc­tion pro­cess, the trans­port in air­planes con­tri­bu­tes to glo­bal warm­ing and in addi­ti­on pla­s­tics as poly­es­ter can’t be recycled.

Final­ly Mother’s Day has beco­me a high­ly com­mer­cial issue in which a lot of busi­ness­men see “big money”. Alre­a­dy a month befo­re all shops are packed full with over­pri­ced gifts, made for tho­se who for­got to prepa­re ear­lier for this day or don’t want to think more about it. The­re is no sen­se in buy­ing unneces­sa­ry gifts in order to app­re­cia­te the work every mother does in fields as child­ca­re or household.

One day of har­der work than usu­al and then a year off sounds like a good alter­na­ti­ve to con­stant working, but this day wouldn’t be one for all mothers, but for ever­y­bo­dy else. It would be a lot more useful not just to help our mothers only one day per year, but to sup­port them every day a litt­le bit e.g. by vacu­um­ing the house once a week or doing the shop­ping from time to time. The­r­e­fo­re all days should be a litt­le bit like Mother’s Day.



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  1. Kaifan

    Cool Com­po­si­ti­on

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